Tuesday, May 1, 2012

6th Grade Activities Update

  1. June 8, Friday, 10:30 am, 6th Grade Spelling Bee
  2. June 8, Friday, 8:00 am, upper yard, 6th Grade vs. Delevan Drive Staff Softball Game
  3. June 14, Thursday, Noon, 6th Grade Luncheon
  4. June 15, Friday, 2:09-3:30 pm, auditorium, 6th Grade After School Dance
  5. June 18, Monday, 8:30 am, Eagle Rock Park, 6th Grade Picnic
  6. June 19, Tuesday, 8:30, upper yard, Culmination

A Message from Mrs. Bernal:

hello parents I am ashley bernals mom.  i met with mrs yee and mrs andrews about the graduation
  they gave me your info so that we can start planning.  I am working with mr adams and mrs reddicks to get prices for canopies chairs cake and decorations.  we will have estimates by Friday to give to the teachers.  I am going to need about 15 volunteers including ud to help on the day of graduation Tuesday june 19 with decorating cleaning set up.  we need to be there by 6am.  please let me know if you can help with that

For more details please contact the school office (323-255-0571) or the 6th Grade Teachers.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Class of 2012" 6th Grade T-Shirt

Hello 6th Grade Parents/Guardians!

Mrs. Yee and Mrs. Andrews are wondering if any one knows someone who can make a "Class of 2012" t-shirt for the 6th graders. The shirts are just going to be for the kids to have as a memento and not as a fund raiser. If you know of anyone who may be able to do this for the kids please contact Mrs. Yee or Mrs. Andrews.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

End of the Year 6th Grade Activities

6th Grade Portraits and Panorama Picture will be on April 12
-they will receive a leather bound, certificate and picture album, from the portrait company
-there's no required dress code but it would be great if they can wear something "nice"/their "Sunday Best"


6th Grade Picnic at Eagle Rock Park (on Figueroa by the 210 Freeway)
- it will be on Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
-the Chair Person for this event is Chantel (Tyler Ambrosio's mom)

-Parents who will aid in this event are...
-Mr. Henry Adams (Shawn's dad)
-Mr. Mike Yoro (Aliyah's dad)
-Mr. Hernandez (Shaun's dad)
-Mrs. Mallari (Neilsen's mom)
-Connie and Mackenzie's parent(s)
-Jordan Perla's parent(s)
-Maria Rivera (John's mom)

-students come to school by 8:00 a.m. as usual, they will be taken to the park and brought back by a school bus
-a lot of parental volunteer is needed for supervision
-main course will be provided by either parents or the PTA will donate a certain dollar amount that can be used for catering
-students will be assigned to bring one item (drinks, or chips, or cookies)

6th Grade Dance at Delevan Drive
-June 15, Friday, in the Auditorium, 2:15-3:30 (after school)
-the Chair Person for this event is Aliyah Yoro's parent(s)

-parents who will aid in this event are...
-Mrs. Mallari
-Mrs. Westbrook

-there will be punch for the 6th graders

6th Grade Luncheon
-June 14, Thursday
-11:30 in the Auditorium

-the Chair Person for this event is Mrs. Raven Reddicks (Ian's mom)

Parents who will aid in this event are...
-Jordan Perlas' parent(s)
-Mr. Adams

-PTA will donate funds for the food

6th Grade Culmination will be on the last day of school June 19, Tuesday
-ceremony may begin at 8:30 am and last until 10:00 am

-the Chair Person for this event is Mrs. Nicole Bernal (Ashley's Mom).

Parents who will aid in this event are...
-Mrs. Reddicks will inquire about the cakes
-Mr. AdamsBold will inquire about chairs and canopy rental
-Mrs. Mallari
-Mrs. Grado (Julian's mom)
-Mrs. Rivera will provide banners

-Teachers arrive very early (6 am) on this day
-a lot of parents are needed to come early to help wipe off dew/clean benches, move benches, set up necessary items on stage, etc...
-we need someone to inquire about balloons - balloon arrangement/arch

-we need someone to communicate with parents who has their child in the 5th grade (here at Delevan) about
-the possibility of setting up a balloon, flower, and lei booth as their fundraiser for their science school fee
-serving the cakes so that the 6th Grade Parents can be with their child

Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness Finale

March Madness' final game will be Thursday, March 29, at 10:30 am, on the upperyard. The two teams in the finale are Oklahoma Sooners and Stanford Cardinal. Come cheer them on, watch an awesome half-time show and participate in the Parent/Teacher vs. 6th Grade game.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Delevan Shirts Sale!!!

A newly designed Delevan Drive T-Shirt, Polo Shirt, Long Sleeve Tee-Shirt, Hooded Pull-Over Sweatshirt, and Hooded Zippered Sweater will be on sale starting Monday, March 5, 2012!!! Order yours right away, the sale will only last until March 16. Children and adult sizes will be available. Prices will vary. Fliers with more information will go home on Monday, March 5, 2012.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Shakey's Pizza Parlor Night Results

Good news! We made $199.06 from the fundraiser event on February 17, 2012 at Shakey's Pizza Parlor.
The money will be used for diminishing the balance due on the buses for the Blue Sky Meadow Outdoor Science School.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day Four at Science School

Day four's breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, potatoes, and biscuits.
For Lunch they had bagels and cream cheese, a fruit, and trail mix.
For dinner they had pizza, a salad bar, and cake.

Today was the "Big Hike". The Naturalists had the students lay down on the meadow, about 20 feet away from each other. They were to enjoy the surroundings, listen to sounds, and try to figure out what was making the sounds. They were asked to write a poem while in the meadow.

When they finished and were off hiking again, one group found fresh mountain lion tracks. The students got very excited and called every one else to come over to take a look.

Another group found a coyote skull with some flesh still on the mouth area. The Naturalists believe it had been killed by a mountain lion.

As they hiked along, they came to some steep and icy terrain. They had to climb over logs. Mr. Adams climbed up first to help his group get up to higher ground. When he finished helping the kids, he slipped and fell. When he fell his palm hit a rock and was cut. He was taken back to Big Bear and had received nine stitches on the cut hand. Mrs. Yee said he is doing fine and was just focused on helping the kids. -Thank you Mr. Adams!-

One group hiked and reached the 9000 feet elevation.

Mrs. Yee mentioned that yesterday, during the small hike, one group saw a bear in the distance and quickly, but quietly, walked away.

Mrs. Yee did not call until well past 8:00 p. m. today because they were busy with their skit presentations.

Tomorrow, after breakfast, there will be a short hike before the students pack up for home. They will be given a bagged/sacked lunch to take with them to the bus.

The bus should pick them up by 11 a.m. and should be back at Delevan by 2 p.m. .

Well, I guess this is all folks, it's been fun reporting.

Have a good evening.