Thursday, January 12, 2012

Up Coming 6th Grade Activities

(Draft) Up Coming 6th Grade Activities

These activities are traditionally held within the month they're listed under, although, there may be changes. Exact dates will be posted as soon as they are confirmed. Please ask your child, check the Delevan Monthly Bulletin, or call the office if you have any questions.

-6th Grade Football Frenzy Finale - January 27, 1p.m., upperyard
-6th Grade Science School - January 30 - February 3
-Yearbook Sale - February 6 - 27

-Smencils Valentine Gram Sale - February 6 - 10
-Mother-Son-Dance - February 10, 6-8 p.m., auditorium
-6th Grade Submit Baby Photo for Yearbook
-6th Grade Popularity Polls

-Parent-Teacher Conference
-6th Grade Basketball Tournament = March Madness

- Open House

- CST Test

-Eagle Rock Middle School Representatives visit 6th Grade
-6th Grade Visit Eagle Rock Middle School
-6th Grade Picnic
-6th Grade Culmination
-6th Grade Dance

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